Monday, 4 November 2013

God on the Doorstep

{my journey
in figuring out that
I cannot save the world...

The following poem is one that I wrote a couple of months ago about a situation that happened last late winter that I haven’t quite been able to shake.  It was about 8am on a Saturday morning and the youth were about to chow down on amazing food prepared for them by family and friends in celebration of ending a fast to learn about hunger… specifically with South Sudan in mind.  A knock came on the church door.  Standing there in the snow was a man wearing just a thin tattered gray suit whom I didn’t recognize from my time working and living downtown, but who clearly had a lot of need.  Though I was torn, I decided for a number of reasons not to let him in… and this internal struggle of my own came out of that, while I learn painful and humbling lessons of not being able to do or fix everything, and how and when to let go.

- C}

God on the Doorstep

Knock Knock Knock

     on the door…
Up from the deep slumber
     we rise in the church to
          warm smells and sizzling sounds of fast-breaking –
               joy and pride and bacon
                    wafting around us.

Knock Knock Knock
     on the door…
          God help me – I will answer.

He talked and walked
          in circles, circles,
     about a priest, the police, a need
                 a priest, the police, a need
                 a priest, the police, a - 
                                circling, circling, circling:
     Hunger at the doorsteps
          of a feast to break a fast –
          I want to let him in...

I talked and walked
          in circles, circles,
     about safety, hypocrisy, a need
                 safety, hypocrisy, a need
                 safety, hypocrisy, a - 
                                circling, circling, circling:
     Lone at the doorsteps
          of a feast to break a fast –
          I cannot let him in.

Knock Knock Knock
     on the door…
Up from the deep soul
     I raise my hands, his demands –
          between the chaos and the structure
               his demands - aren't
                    yet met.

Knock Knock Knock
     on the door…
          God help us – there is no answer.

Out in the deep cold,
     dark circles
           under heavy, wide, empty eyes,
                full of deep light need, face
           the deep joyful shadows,
          behind light, wide, empty eyes, 
                full of deep dark need.
          I am sorry there is life, I am sorry
          I am sorry there is life, I am sorry

          I am sorry there is - 

Knock Knock Knock…
     Dreaming of unlocked doors –
          but we have to do more,
          but we can’t
          but we have to do more
          but we can’t –
     Dreaming of unlocked doors –
          let us pray,
          let us eat,
          let us pray,
     Dreaming of unlocked doors –
          until we let him in.

Lock Lock Lock
     on the door…
In from the deep cold
     we laugh in the church around
          warm smells and sizzling sounds of fast-breaking –
               joy and pride and bacon
                    wafting around us.

Knock Knock Knock,
     God is on the Doorstep
          there is life,
          in the deep
          there is life.