Wednesday, 27 March 2013

Amateurs All Along

{For Julia,
For those times when 
we just sit and 
"remember when..."
"wonder what..."
and laugh through tears at
getting no more clear 
as time goes.
we just sit and
paint like we are five years old -
as we should.
much love,

Amateurs All Along

     painting of a pot
                              turning out
               quite like
               the life
               that you
          sip on after serving
                           (or being served)
               tea with friends and
                                   other annoying people -
     picturing Polish pottery,
                    out of
          your hands
                         create country with
          your hands
          your mouth 
          sipping from life served,
                                        which can
               like a flame flickering and fueling our
               grumblings and giggles - us
          amateur painters
                         on the canvases of life and
          with hope that our conversations
          warmed by tea
                              and glow of beeswax
          warm us with the
                              colours of our
                              collective creations - 
                                                             amateurs all along the way.

 - C. Gray


Wednesday, 6 March 2013

The Reasons of the Birds

{spontaneous and simple;
recorded and read
the next morning
in memory
of a
great and small
of the night before
the birds and friends
added to the beauty and mystery
of life.
Thank you,
 - C}
silhouettes of five hundred and forty seven crows
outlined against the flat dark gray,
perched in tableau

on the tips of winter trees,
resting on the fingertips of branches... in the

middle of the city.

she came to fetch me from the
street - eagre to
share the
stillness of the crows...

standing to
marvel, from the glow of hospital parking lot lights -
shivering with each attempt to take a picture;

searching our screens,
squinting to see the
scene on the other
side of the lens; failing to capture a
moment while
missing the
minutes and the chance to
marvel the
mystery of the crows.

sitting, staring,
searching through all the reasons of the birds... perhaps a
meeting of the
minds; perhaps they know
something of the end of the world - keeping
secrets from us; perhaps their beauty hovers over as a cloud of death, in
silence for their view; perhaps they are watching over the
syrup taps; perhaps it is a
meeting for crows; perhaps...

she said,

you don't have to

know the

see and
simply be -
no pictures

nor reason captured in this
moment, framed and
standing for itself -
spirit free to
wonder at, and rest
with the birds - in awe -

without the
of all the reasons
of the birds.


I came to

fetch her
from the
street - eagre to
share the
stillness of the crows...

that happens all
